Odds are, you or someone you care about have experienced trauma at some point in life. This may occur as a one-time event such as a violent assault, or sudden loss of a loved one. Trauma can also come from ongoing stress such as homelessness, food …
How having a dog helps your health
There's a reason dogs have been used as canine assistants and therapy dogs for so long. Actually, there are a bunch of reasons! Service dogs can be trained to assist people with vision or hearing impairment, people with seizure disorders, people with …
5 Kettlebell Carries for a Stronger Core
Kettlebell carries are fabulous. Why? I could list soooo many reasons! "No, there is too much. Let me sum up." ~Inigo Montoya(C'mon, y'all get the Princess Bride reference, right?!?) Short version of why kettlebell carries are awesome: life …
3-way nods: the boring exercise that could change your life
These 3-way head nods/turns seem way too simple to make a difference but listen, y’all: you just might change your life if you do these evvvvery day. (Seriously.) WHO IS THIS FOR?Everyone with a neck can benefit from this exercise. Particularly …
6 Exercises for Strength + Stability
Strength and stability are both vital to moving well and being able to do the things you want to do. In this post, I'm sharing some of my favorite single-leg exercises that combine both so you get more bang for your buck. Remember in every …