Running is great exercise with many benefits. However, because it is such a repetitive movement, it can contribute to injuries if you don’t also make a point to strength train on a regular basis. Besides injury prevention, strength training also improves your running — because strong bodies run faster and recover better.

Keep it simple. You’l get the most benefit by focusing on glutes, legs, and core. You’ll also want to include single-leg and stabilization exercises like: single-leg deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats, and lunges.
At-home workout for runners
Start with these mobility movements:
I’ve abbreviated in this video for sake of time. Do as written, then repeat 2 more times.
- quadruped rock: 30+ seconds
- inch worm: 5-10 reps
- split rock: 30+ seconds per side
- down dog pedal: 30+ seconds
Bodyweight strength training circuit:
Then move onto the following circuit. I’ve given a range of reps; perform each exercise until you feel you’ve reached about a 70-80% effort, or a 7-8 (out of 10) Rate of Perceived Exertion. You’ll do all five exercises with little to no rest between; rest two minutes between circuits, then repeat all five exercises for a total of 2-3 rounds of this circuit.
- hardstyle plank: hold 15-60 seconds
- single-leg glute bridge: 10-15 per side
- side plank, both sides (or knee version; both shown): 15-30 seconds
- walking lunges: 16-24 lunges (8-12 per leg)
- lateral lunge to balance: 16-24 reps
Start with two days per week; this is plenty for most beginners. As you progress, you can increase the duration and frequency of your sessions to make them more challenging. If you have access to gym equipment, you have even more options of what you can do for strength training to improve your running and help prevent injuries.
Plan ahead and join the Shine Strong team for a 5k Turkey Trot in Calabash on Thanksgiving Day! Sign up at this link, then let me know you’ll be participating. In my next post I’ll be sharing a 5k training plan for beginners, which will give even beginners plenty of time to train.

Owner/Coach. Powered by tea, books, & sunshine. I help people build stronger, more resilient bodies — because fitness isn’t as much about what we do in the gym as what it helps us do beyond the gym.